Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day 146 and counting...

This post is backwards... the pictures uploaded backwards. So we will start with the good!

We were able to go to SCHEELS the new sporting goods store. Carson wasn't sure he wanted to leave the house but enjoyed it once he did. They had these cool "car carts" to ride in.

They also have a Faris wheel, that some how my mom and I got stuck riding once again... we both hate Faris wheels but get suckered in to riding them with Carson and Blake. It was worth it since they both loved it.

While we were at the hospital Carson turned off the lights and laied in the wagon to "sleep" he has a new thing with being upset when people wake him or are noisy when he is trying to rest or as he calls it "sleep"

He loves the Spider man and Superman on the 3rd floor of the hospital. He likes to take the stair to go visit them. On good days we do. 

He has to have a shot in each leg Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 2 weeks. He has 2 down are 4 more to go. After each one we have to wait 1 hour in order to make sure he has no reaction to the medication. He likes to nap during this time. 
He loves to ride his 4-wheeler. I did not think he was old enough to ride it, but he is. He loves it and even on a bad day it brings a smile to his face! 
On Monday September 24th, 2012 Carson had antaflacic shock from one of the Chemo medications he had. We had to stay 24 hours in the hospital. He did great. We then had to wait for our insurance to approve the $90,000 alternative medication to come out of Canada. We WON THE LOTTERY. They paid for it! That is why he has to have the shots in his legs 3X a week for 2 weeks. We were very happy they covered it, we wanted to make sure we kicked the crap out of cancer. Carson continues to amaze us, with showing us that no even cancer can keep him down. He rolls with it so well. Though he is sick, and has bad moments, he makes the best out of each day. His leg pain still concerns us, but the doctors are aware and watching it. They do not want to decrease any treatment until he can not take it anymore. I do agree with them, I want to give him as much as we can so he never has to endure this ever again. They said that the "vinc" chemo causes like falling asleep pain in your legs, feet and hands. Carson often complains of his legs hurting, we rub them and use heat to make them feel better. Some days they hurt so much he will not walk and crawls on his knees. It is sad and breaks my heart, but even with leg pain he pushes on. He truly is a Tuff Boy, and we love him so much!

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