Wednesday, August 29, 2012

10 more days for this "part" of treatment

We are in a part of treatment called Inter-maintenance 1. In just 10 short days we will finish this part of his treatment and enter a phase called Delayed intensification. Not a part of treatment we are looking forward to. We have been so blessed to be able to be somewhat normal and do things that kids should get to do. Not all kids with Cancer are able to do so.

I wanted to get a picture of him with his Port Accessed. To show him later what it looked like. This is his "I am going to kick Cancer's butt" face!
 Here are some pictures we took up the canyon; Monday after treatment. He enjoyed going for a ride in Daddy's truck and watching the river.
Before we were able to go up the Canyon Carson and I made the journey to PCMC. We had to take Mickey Mouse along with us. He is driving me nuts with Mickey Mouse. He watches it at least a few times a day if not all day(on bad days). It makes him happy so I deal.

We were scheduled to go through the OR so we had to be checked in with the OR at 8am. Carson knows when we go there he can play with the cars. While we waited Carson found a friend who had down syndrome and a trachea tube. While his mom was suctioning out his tube Carson reached his hand out and told him "it okay". The little boy smiled at him, and they held hands and play together. It was the sweetest thing I have ever seen. We had to leave soon after and head up to get "treatment". They then changed our plan and had us go through the RTU; much easier for Carson to go to the RTU since I am able to take him to the room and hold him while he falls asleep. I am also able to go back to him much quicker than if we were in the OR. But since we we were moved to the RTU it meant we had go back up stairs for treatment; Carson was no happy about this at all. But soon calmed down and fell asleep while he got his chemo. I also talked to the doctors about using essential oils to help Carson with his leg pains. After talking to a few doctors, we came to the agreement that we will not use essential oils to help. Some studies say that it could make the chemo not as effective, and that is not a gamble we are willing to take. So we increased his doses of pain medications, and will continue to use a vibrating chair mat and heating pad to help manage his pain. We are 2 days out of treatment, so far he has not been in too much pain. He acts silly after getting a "full" dose of pain medication, but I would much rather have a silly child than a child in pain.
We continue to receive so much support from family and friends. We are more than thankful for all the support. 

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