Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Carson Getting his Port Accessed!

I don't know how many times, a nurse has a jaw dropping look on her face that Carson uses nothing to "numb" his port. To him it is more tramatizing to use something on it, it means another medicine. A sweet Nurse Tiffany who got breast cancer(booo) said it does hurt to get it accessed and it kind of pinches. So I guess he lives up to the name Tuff each and every day. I hope Tuff Hedeman doesn't mind sharing his name! :)  
This video was taken at PCMC to show other kids option and how easy it is to access your port. Most kids are not this okay with it this, and it takes time to learn that it isn't that bad! Carson has been amazing since day one and always been brave about getting it accessed. 

SO I thought I would share with you what they now share with other kids at PCMC

Dr. Carson

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