Monday, February 4, 2013

Surgery... not such good news.

We went to Carson's ENT doctor On Jan. 25 to discuss what our option were for his surgery. The doctor wanted to do a scope to see what was going on. Carson was already going in to be sedated on Jan. 31 so he said we could do it all in one day. YAY.
There was a storm coming in, so Carson and I packed up and headed to a Hotel. He was on cloud 9 thinking it was super cool to go on vacation. 
As soon as we got to the hospital he spotted a trike. It was his for the taking. :)
Telling the nurses his name and age... He likes the number 8 so he tells everyone he is 8. Makes for come confused nurses. 
He was off to surgery, relaxed, and not a worry. It is not fair a 3 year old is Okay with leaving his mom and going with these doctors. He waved at me and said bye. I told him as we walked down to the hall, lets play hide and seek. you go hide and I will find you. He didn't care he was okay going with them. 
It was an hour wait for me; by  myself in a room filled with other parents waiting for the news on their children.

The doctor came in. I was happy to see him. He sat down and said, it isn't the best news. Carson's bronchial tube is not open as much as it should be. in order to fix this it requires a major surgery(we already new this) but at this time the risk isn't worth it. In order to do this surgery they would have to break his chest bone, take out a rib and use the rib + rib tissue to make a new bronchial tube. The risk of infection is very high doing this. Carson's immune system is already suppressed and it isn't a life or death thing so we are going to wait and see the ENT doctor every 6 months unless something changes in that time.

Carson and I waiting for chemo, he was out of it and just wanted to sleep. I loved snuggling with him. Once we were out of the recovery room we had to go to the Oncology clinic; to get chemo, and to have Carson randomized to the study. He got the highest doses of treatment. I am still not sure if it is a good thing or not. But saying that it should insure the cancer has no chance of coming back. The next 3 months are critical; most kids if they are going to relapse this is the time they will. So for the next 3 months we will be sitting on the edge of our seats.  

We were supposed to stay overnight, well they let us go home since he was doing so well. :)

This is how many pills he takes for the first 5 days of the month. He takes 1.5 pills each day no matter what but an extra 6 for 5 days. He takes them with out too much fuss and is pretty good about it.

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