The next 10 weeks will be hard for Carson. Hard for our whole family. I pray he will not be in pain, or too sick to still be a little boy. He has been so brave. The boy is a pro at going for treatment. He helps the nurses give him his treatments, and is always willing to show them the dinosaur that lives in his mouth(aka when they are checking for mouth sores he grawls at them super cute) The nurses love him and always say that he looks great, and that is such a "BIG BOY" something I have heard from day one. He was never a "baby" he has always been our "big boy" tipping the scales and always being in the 90% on the charts.
Mickey Rode on his lap the whole way to the hospital. He had to share his blanket with Mickey.
We asked the Child Life Specialist Rachelle(who is amazing by the way) to let Carson play doctor and give Mickey a port. He was so excited to do so, and was happy to give Mickey medicine and also take his blood. :)
Carson no longer likes to wear shoes, he prefers to wear slippers, Lighting McQueen ones to be exact. He loves them.
I ran to Costco to get a few things, and Carson saw a LIFE SIZE Minni Mouse and about did a head dive out of the cart to get to it. I carried it around the store till I could find more. Thank Goodness they had Mickey. Both boys got one and both of them LOVE them! They are so happy to play with them and each sleep with them. We still have the smaller one to travel with us to the hospital and such, but who wouldn't love a life size Mickey.
Also Uncle Travis and Uncle Shawn got Carson and Blake a 4-wheeler.
Carson LOVES it.
Both boys were very excited for it. I hope he feel good enough to ride it at least a few more times before it gets cold.
This is now our motto! We may no understand everything now, but we are smiling through the tears, and pushing through the hard times! I don't ever think I will "make sense" of why children get Cancer, but I do know that there is a lesson to be learned. In my heart I know Carson will beat this.