Wednesday, February 25, 2015

catching up..

Wow time has been moving. Carson is down to 5 treatments! Next week he will be down to FOUR. What seems like this time would never come and yet here it is! 
At his last treatment he was able to play UNO with JT a fellow ALL fighter. 

For Carson's birthday and show and tell he took the mascots to school with him! :) He was in love with the fact that the mascots came to HIS class! it made his week for sure! 

We celebrated 6 years old~ A day that seems like it would never some but we enjoyed it and he loved his cake! 

We then left to celebrate in DISNEYLAND! :) grandma Georgiana and Gaylene joined us. 

Next week Carson will have his next treatment! WE have talked to his doctor about his end of treatment~~ Crazy that this is even in the talks!