Monday, March 18, 2013

Shaving, Shaving, Shaving, GONE!!!!

We were able to take part in amazing event for the St. Baldrick's foundation! Carson's great Grandma Joy shaved her head to help raise money for the event.




Blake and I making silly faces!

We were able to spend the whole day there having a great time! We enjoyed it so much!

After we grabbed some dinner! Carson loves Little Caesars breadsticks!

Carson and Grandma Joy made front page news in Utah county! They are both over the moon about it!
Carson has been doing great with treatments, he is getting good at taking his medications each night! WE leave for Disney World on April 2nd, and he could not be more excited! We are looking forward to a great vacation!

Friday, March 8, 2013


Our computer has been out of commission for a few weeks. So here is an update!
Carson has been feeling pretty good over all.

He was able to start going to pre-school one day a week! He is loving it!

He got a virus and had to have IV fluids at home He insisted that Mickey also have a port and get fluids as well. I love that he wants to "help" and have Mickey do the things we have to do to him. I think it makes him feel more in control.

Blake has been a trooper and done great with Carson being sick.

When he doesn't feel good he always likes to cuddle! I love the cuddles but would rather have him feeling well.

We do things most families do not, like have picnics in our kitchen because it is COLD and the kids thought it would be fun! We had to have green pancakes and he loves to eat them.

We show brother- love!
So Carson and treatment! We started maintenance! YAHOOO. It has been crazy it is a lot more at home treatments. He takes pills nightly and also on Thursdays he takes 13 pills in all. It is insane how much he takes.  We have adjusted to him having to not eat or drink 1 hour before his medications and 2 hours after! It is hard to only allow him to drink during this time. He is a milk drinker and does not like that he is unable to drink milk. Today we have an appointment with his ENT doctors to discuss his breathing, and his O2 levels dropping while he is exercising  We are hoping just and inhaler will fix it.  But will have more answers this afternoon.
I posted this on his facebook page... but wanted to share here as well.
"On the great days you live...on the not so good days you learn." This has rang so true for us the past 5 days. This round of steroids have been rough for Carson, and rough on us as a family. The up's and downs are hard. He is only 4 and does not understand why this is all happening. On the not so good days, we learn; Learn how to help Carson express what is wrong, we learn what medications help ...the best, we learn to help Blake entertain himself, learn that patients is key. Learn that cancer sucks! On the great days we live, we enjoy each moment, we laugh, play, and run around, we enjoy time with friends and family, and remember to count our blessings. I love this quote for everyone could say there are good and bad days, but I like to think of every day as a blessing, and that there are only great, and not so good days!