Treatment on Christmas eve, meant that we had to go for a blood draw on Sunday. The nurses at American Fork hospital love this kid, and came in to do his blood draw on a SUNDAY. He is the only pediatric patient they have; and he ham's it up for them!
We found this GREEN Santa hat and Carson had to have it! He wore it for 2 weeks. Made him happy.
He dressed himself to go to the hospital, his brothers shirt, star wars jammies, and Gabbi's pink monster slippers. If is makes him happy, then I am happy. Some battles are not worth fighting!
Christmas eve night I ended up in the ER with a slipped rib talk about pain.
Then we got to Christmas morning! Blake enjoyed it so much, he loved opening presents and was super excited to get each one.
Carson didn't feel well, and it was a rough day for him and I. But we were blessed to stay home and all be together, when I know so many families who were celebrating in the hospital.
They got a play kitchen that they both LOVE! Brant thinks it is a dumb for boys but they like it and play with it often!
Carson HAD to wear shorts like daddy's, and Santa brought him 4 more so he could be just like daddy and have pockets and all!
He loved all the trucks he got for Christmas. It was a good Christmas just not great.
A few days after he felt better so we went shopping to use some of the gift cards we got. In JC Penny he put on girls bracelets and glasses and pulled faces! I thought it was cute and he thought it was silly. I was happy he was feeling better since it has been a rough few days.
Then cam the NEW YEAR! Carson partied at Grandma and Grandpa's while Blake, mom and dad went home to bed. I still did not feel well from my rib. Carson enjoyed staying at grandma and grandpa's.
Another blood draw on 1/2/13! First one of the new year! We were excited as you can see!
This was his outfit to go to the hospital on 1/3/13 :) much better than before!
His dad has been off work for 2 weeks now, and he loved that daddy got to go with us. He liked to play trucks with daddy. Brant said " your on a first name basis with all the nurses?" I replied "yes I have been here every week for the past 8 months, I know them well!"
The chemo made his mouth taste funny and he was not liking it.
Laying on the floor watching the Ipad.
The chemos he got in this phase are...
Methotrexate is an anti-metabolite medication, meaning that it interferes with
the normal cellular metabolism causing cell death. This makes it an ideal
chemotherapy agent, and it is used to treat many types of cancers, including but
not limited to breast, head, neck, lymph, blood, lung and bone. Because
methotrexate is administered systemically, meaning to the whole body, it can
also interfere with normal healthy cells functions, leading to unwanted side
Vincristine is used to treat: acute leukemia, Hodgkin's and non- Hodgkin's lymphoma, neuroblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, Wilms' tumor, multiple myeloma, chronic leukemias, thyroid cancer, brain tumors.
We have one more treatment on Jan 14 and then we have a 2 week break and then..... drum roll please..... WE HIT maintenance. maintenance will be what we do for the next 2.5 years, a routine will develop and we can start to live like a normal family to a point. We will still go to the doctors every 4 weeks. He will take Chemo pills each night, and have some Chemo put in his Port each month. But nothing will change, we will have the same thing for 2.5 years.
We did get different nausea medications for this time, since he was pretty sick for a few days last time. we are hoping they will help. This past year was filled with so many new challenges that I never thought I would face. But we got through them, a little stronger, and wiser I think.
There is no way we could have got through it with out the help of so many family and friends. My mom and dad have helped so much. My dad lost his job in July and was able to tend Blake for me, and help me on bad days, it was a safety net I loved having. I was scared when he went back to work. My mom comes over whenever is needed, no questions asked and does what is asked, she isn't good at just offering so I have to "be bossy" and tell her what I need, but she raised me to be that way :).
My mother in law has been great at driving an hour down whenever she is asked, staying the night, cleaning and just helping out with whatever. My little brothers have been there as well, they are not as good at taken care of us as I am of them, but they are there, to bring new toys to the boys, Pepsi to me when I need it, and to play b-ball with Brant. Really I don't think we could have made it with out these 5 people plus the countless others who have helped us. It has been rough. I wish I could name each of you, but I know I would forget half of you. THANK YOU. This next year I am hoping it will be much less stressful, and eventful.
Goodbye 2012! A year that I will never forget.
A year full of struggles, heart ache, fear and unknown. But filled with
lots of love, and support! 2013 I hope you are good to us and much less
eventful! Here is to wishing everyone a very blessed new year, filled
with love, understanding and laughter!!!
This quote rings so true at this time in my life... I have learned so much about who people really are over the past 8 months...
"There comes a time in your life when you walk
away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself
with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad and focus on the good.
Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't. Life
is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life,
getting back is living." - Unknown